quinta-feira, 3 de janeiro de 2008

Richard Dawkins Saved My Soul

"I never thought I’d say it, but it’s true. Richard Dawkins has allowed me to break free from this awful atheist obsession that has ensnared me for the last year and a half. Here is how he did it.

“Evolution makes it possible to be an intellectually fulfilled atheist.”

Cool huh?

Of course that’s what he wants. That’s what we all want, to be intellectually fulfilled. And of course it’s evolution that allows him to do that. We all, in our various ways attempt to reduce the universe to the most easily understandable component(s). For him it’s evolution. For others it’s something else."

Read on

2 comentários:

  1. A clareza do Dawkins. a coragem para confrontar directamente os dogmas religiosos com as propostas científicas é, sem dúvida um exemplo a seguir.

  2. Meu caro (ou cara), se Vc é professor de filosofia, desafio- a fundamentar as suas opiniões -- ou cale-se.

    Aconselho-o a ler alguma coisa que lhe dê proveito: comece por este blogue:

