sábado, 5 de janeiro de 2008

Vote USA 2008 issues: Abortion

Abortion has the potential to become a big factor in the 2008 election, not least in influencing which candidate Republican voters choose to represent their party.

The issue is one that divides the nation almost down the middle.

According to a 2006 Pew Research Center poll, 51% of Americans overall believe abortion should be available in all or most cases, compared with 46% who say it should be illegal in all or most cases.

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quinta-feira, 3 de janeiro de 2008

Ponto de vista

“Laicidade radical” é um eufemismo para a “fé ateísta fundamentalista”, de tipo “islâmico radical” ou “inquisitório medieval”. Já “laicismo” é o mesmo que “anti-clericalismo”, e ateísmo é outra coisa.

É lamentável que a Esther Mucznik não se tenha explicado melhor. Um “laico normal” – e já não o “laico radical” –, sendo anti-clerical, não tem que ser necessariamente contra as religiões, e pode também ser agnóstico. A religião não se resume aos padres, nem implica que se ajoelhe perante os homens; e sobretudo, é importante que não nos ajoelhemos perante nós próprios, como recomenda o fundamentalismo ateísta.

Richard Dawkins Saved My Soul

"I never thought I’d say it, but it’s true. Richard Dawkins has allowed me to break free from this awful atheist obsession that has ensnared me for the last year and a half. Here is how he did it.

“Evolution makes it possible to be an intellectually fulfilled atheist.”

Cool huh?

Of course that’s what he wants. That’s what we all want, to be intellectually fulfilled. And of course it’s evolution that allows him to do that. We all, in our various ways attempt to reduce the universe to the most easily understandable component(s). For him it’s evolution. For others it’s something else."

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quarta-feira, 2 de janeiro de 2008

No more Portuguese schools named after Christian saints

The Portuguese socialist government headed by PM Jose Socrates has informed that a new law forbidding Christian saints names applied to public schools will be in force soon. Traditionally some Portuguese public schools were named after Christian saints, and the social Marxist Jose Socrates intends to change the public schools names which have a Christian saint named after.

After the new law is published, the Marxist Jose Socrates prepares himself to forbid the traditional Christian holidays and remove Christian cultural traces from Portuguese national heraldry symbols.

Em defesa da Vida

"Não parece estranho que na época mesma em que surgem as justas revoltas contra discriminações de toda ordem – cor, raça, preferência sexual, credo – e a defesa das espécies animais em risco de extinção, seja defendida a cruel discriminação dos não-nascidos?"